Here at Regeneration, our mission and compass as a church is simply-

Inviting people to follow Jesus and experience life with the Holy Spirit

With grace, we want to follow the example of Jesus and be a community with an invitational posture. We reach out to people and show them care, and give them the freedom to move forward when they are ready. Jesus invites us to follow Him and as we follow Him, we extend the invitation and good news to others.

The Holy Spirit brings the resurrection life of Jesus into the life of his followers, dwelling in them and forming them to be more like Jesus. Life in the Holy Spirit is to fully experience both the presence of God and the presence of Jesus in us.

The values that shape and guide why we do what we do are:

i. Integrated Scripture

We see scripture as our primary reference to help us understand how to follow Jesus and experience life with the Holy Spirit. We desire to understand the entirety of what God is speaking to us through His word, and we believe scripture is integrated into every part of our lives and our church

ii. Whole-life Service

Every part of our life is transformed when we follow Jesus and experience life in the Holy Spirit. In our everyday life, we desire to commune with God on a personal level and in community, to extend kindness to others, and to love like Jesus

iii. Thriving Diversity

We desire to be a community of safety and love where difference is encouraged and not judged. Diversity is not only found in the colors of our skin, it goes deeper to creating a safe and courageous place for everyone to belong to. Our spiritual family aspires to thriving diversity as we follow the heart of Jesus, welcoming and courageously loving others who are vastly different from us and being reconcilers

iv. Spiritual Family

We desire to be a community that is marked by a shared desire to follow Jesus. As a community, we deeply care for one another and desire to bring everyone into this family. With Jesus as our example, we desire to reach out and care for people where they are at.

With our mission and values, our vision of being a healthy church includes caring for our community here and the most vulnerable that God places among us.

For the children and youth in our care, this involves our continual safety and abuse training. Background checks, fingerprinting, and security in our spaces begin the process; it continues forward with protocols for our volunteers and staff, which includes always having multiple adults in the care of our children at all times.

In the same picture of goodness and care for our congregation, awareness training for sexual harassment and abuse is part of leadership’s stewardship. Within our community, we have created a pathway and guide for disclosing and reporting, including with leaders and staff. Informed by the principles of survivor-centered care, when the needs of those harmed are prioritized, there is greater likelihood that healing will take place. Holding humility, wisdom, and care, we continue the mission set before us as a church.

Compass and flame icon created by smashingstocks, acorn icon by fancykeith via Flaticon