to Apr 29

Prayer Hour

It's been our deep desire to seek God in prayer in this season and into 2025. Pray with us on this New Year's Eve Prayer Hour on Tuesday 7:00-8:00 PM on Google Meet. It will be a prayer power hour as we pray for God’s leading and regeneration at our church, in each of our hearts, and in Oakland. Meeting link at Contact Stephanie at

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to Mar 16

Sunday Prayer Walk

  • Regeneration Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Meet with us on the main steps before service at 8:00 AM on March 2 & 16 to pray and walk the neighborhood around the church. We'll pray and intercede for our church, for our neighbors and the four other churches here in our building. May the goodness, peace, and love of God radiate from this corner at E 15th and 3rd Ave. Contact Susana at

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6:30 PM18:30

Lent Night of Worship: Ash Wednesday & Good Friday

As we head into Lent and remember Jesus' mission of love at the cross, we will have Nights of Worship on March 5 Ash Wednesday and April 18 Good Friday from 6:30-7:30 PM. Join us for these bookends to the 40 days of the Lenten season as we gather in people's homes to worship, reflect, and connect as a spiritual family. Stay after for some food and feel free to bring a friend or a dish to share, we'll have the mains. Families and kids are welcome and event locations will be shared soon. Contact Joe at

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8:30 PM20:30

All-church Family Meeting

It's the time of year for our annual all-church family meeting- we'll gather together to celebrate, and share stories and encouragement for our next steps as a church. Join us on Saturday March 15 from 10:00-11:15 AM at the McKenna's Lake Merritt home. Stay after to share lunch and connection, we'll bring the mains and if you're inspired, bring a dish to share. Families and children are welcome. Location details to be shared soon. Contact Stephanie at

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9:00 AM09:00


Our monthly Re-gentlemen gathering is Saturday January 18 from 9:00-11:00 AM at Justin’s Alameda residence. Coffee and bagels will be provided with the first hour of catching up, and the second hour a continued discussion from the book Disciplines of a Godly Man, by R. Kent Hughes. No need to read the book to join in, come as you are. RSVP with for meeting address

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6:00 PM18:00

Christmas at the Lake

Join us for Christmas at the Lake tomorrow Friday December 20 from 6:00-7:00 PM as we shine a little light and presence in our neighborhood. We'll walk and sing Christmas carols together, hand out apple cider, and make connections with kindness and authenticity. We'll meet at the church at 6:00 PM and head out to the lake (see map)- look out for a group with glow lights. If you'd like to help, contact Joe at

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6:30 PM18:30

Cookie Bake for Christmas at the Lake

Women are invited to a Cookie Bake on Thursday December 19 from 6:30-8:30 PM at the Loo's Redwood Heights home for baking, eating, and connection. These sweet treats will be given out at the Christmas at the Lake event the following night. Come early to the Loo's Redwood Heights home at 6 PM for some soup; all recipes and ingredients will be provided. Contact Kristin at, directions at

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6:30 PM18:30

Advent Night of Worship: New location

Come for a Night of Worship on Friday December 6 from 6:30-7:30 PM hosted at the Berdino's home as we enter together into the Advent Christmas season. We'll worship, celebrate, and meditate on Jesus at the center of it all. Stay afterwards to share some food together. Directions at Contact Joe at

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to Nov 29

A Prayer

In this big election week, with whatever outcome we had hoped for, we turn our hearts to meet God in prayer. He cares for your heart and all its fears, doubts, and hopes.


Heavenly Father,
You are the certainty in this uncertain world. You are holy, true, good, and everlasting. You are our Savior. You save and you are the King on the throne. We worship you.

As our good Shepherd who leads the sheep with tenderness and care, lead us forward in your love. May you guide our feet to carry the good news of Jesus, the One who is making all things right, everywhere we go and to everyone we meet. You know the whole plan and you hold this world in your hands. You are working, always.

We pray for all our elected leaders, that they may know and serve you, and do good. May you comfort those who mourn, may you press your call firmly onto our hearts, and may your love in us for our neighbors and our enemies be perfected. We will work to bring more of heaven onto earth - salt and light for your justice and righteousness, causing violence and oppression to flee. There is power in the name of Jesus.

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10:30 AM10:30

All church Fall Family Meeting

We are celebrating and gathering for a fall all-church family meeting on Sunday October 27, as we kick off our new 8:30 AM service time that morning. Right after service, we'll head over to the Loo's Redwood Heights home from 10:30 AM-12:00 PM to share a meal and hear how God is moving at Regen in the present and into the future. We'll have games, bounce house, and crafts - we also invite kids to wear their costumes that day! Directions at

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to Nov 24

New 8:30 AM Service Time starting October 27

  • Regeneration Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Starting October 27, our Sunday service will change to a new 8:30 AM time. In this season of new partnerships, we are welcoming another church into our facilities that will meet after our new 8:30 AM service time. We look with joy and open hands to the Holy Spirit's work at Regen and in these partnerships for God's kingdom. We hope to have you!

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12:00 PM12:00

Fisherman's Wharf Outreach

Building off our Evangelism 101 workshops, on Saturday September 7 from 12:00-4:00 PM we will join SOS Ministries for a Fisherman's Wharf Outreach (Powell & Jefferson St). Come by anytime to say hello, pray, sing, and share- there will be music, sharing of testimonies and the gospel, and making relational bridges and connections. Contact Justin at 

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10:00 PM22:00

Fall Homegroups+ Kickoff

Our homegroups+ officially kick off the Fall season and it's a great time to check out a group. We have groups meeting online, men and women groups, and weekly groups meeting in homes. Our leaders would love to hear from you. Check out our groups at

  • Communitas, Wednesdays 7:00 PM, Oakland & Alameda

  • Kainos, Thursdays 6:30 PM, Oakland (Adam’s Point)

  • Lake Merritt, every other Friday 7:00 PM, Oakland (Lake Merritt)

  • Re-gentlemen, once a month, Saturday 9:00-11:00 AM, Alameda

  • Women’s Scripture Memory Group, every other Tuesday 7:30-8:30 PM, Zoom

  • Alpha (English), Tuesdays 7:00-9:00 PM at Regen

  • Chinese Alpha, Saturdays 12:30-2:30 PM at Regen Gym

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to Nov 23


Alpha is a space where we're excited to bring friends and ourselves to a conversation about faith, life and God. For 11 weeks we'll share a meal and have honest, open, and judgment-free conversations for anyone to explore the Christian faith. From September- November we'll have both an English and Chinese Alpha session at Regen.

*Open for guests through September 24

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to Jul 30

Summer Gatherings

  • Regeneration Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

It was so lovely to see some of you at our Summer Gathering this past Tuesday. Summer Gatherings at the Loo's residence will run for 6 weeks on Tuesdays from 5:00-8:00 PM from June 25-July 30. Come for a swim and potluck, and invite a friend or two that have been on your mind or that the Holy Spirit brings up for you, especially someone that might not come into a Sunday service.

If you feel inspired, bring a food dish to share, or come just as you are. Directions are at and if you may need a ride, contact Stephanie at

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to Jul 31

Summer Sabbath July

  • Regeneration Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We're looking forward to relaxation and renewal in a special summer sabbath during the month of July. Our intention is to grow in relationship with Jesus and with one another in a fresh way.

  • On Sundays, we will hear true stories from within our church family of how God has been meeting people in their lives. We will continue our journey through the book of 1 Kings led by Pastor Albert.

    • Youth will join adults in the sanctuary, while Toddlers and Pre-school children will be cared for in the play room downstairs. Elementary children can choose to either join in sanctuary worship OR join the younger children downstairs where activities will be available for them. Contact Pastor Cheryl at for more information

  • Lunch after service: join other Regen folks to explore new local restaurants after church. We gather in the café and choose a different place each week.

  • Summer Gatherings at the Loos' home will run for 6 weeks on Tuesdays from 5:00-8:00 PM from June 25- July 30. Come for a swim and food, and invite a friend or two that have been on your mind or that the Spirit brings up for you.

  • Our homegroups+ will take a slower pace during the summer, with some going on break and others taking a more relaxed format. Our groups will cohost our Summer Gatherings and will kick back in gear in the Fall.

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7:00 PM19:00

Jesus Revolution

For the beginning of summer, join us for a film screening of Jesus Revolution on Friday June 14 at Regeneration from 7:00-9:15 PM. The film covers the '70s revival of radical love to a generation of hippies and surfers in SoCal that spread throughout the world. Our own church roots come out of Calvary Chapel, which is the church depicted in the film. Feel free to bring your dinner and a friend, and we'll have the popcorn! Contact for more information. 

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6:30 PM18:30

Good Friday Service

Tomorrow evening we will remember Jesus’ betrayal and his self-giving love on the cross at our Good Friday service from 6:30-7:30 PM. Come together with us in the silence of Good Friday to meditate on our savior, the Lamb of God given for us. We won’t be sharing a meal together at this service, though we encourage those who are able to in health, to fast together with us from a meal or more on Good Friday.

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10:00 AM10:00

Annual all-church Family Meeting

On Saturday March 16 from 10:00-11:15 AM, join our annual all-church family meeting as we look back at this past year and to what the Holy Spirit is speaking to us about the next year. In our time together, we'll celebrate the Lenten season of following Jesus to the cross, and share lunch afterwards. For those interested in becoming a congregant, Congregant Forms are available at church and at

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6:30 PM18:30

Lenten Night of Worship

As we encourage one another through the Lenten season, we'll join together for a Lenten Night of Worship on Friday March 1 from 6:30-7:30 PM. We'll spend time in worship and reflection, and share a simple soup dinner together, as we follow Jesus' path to the cross.

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6:30 PM18:30

Ash Wednesday Service

Within the Christian calendar year, Lent is the season of getting ready for the precious mystery of Easter. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent and new beginnings in faith. It's a time to meditate on our mortality and to wait for God's renewing Spirit. Join our Ash Wednesday service on February 14 from 6:30-7:30 PM as we journey into Lent together. At this service we will take a break from sharing dinner together, and we encourage everyone who is able to in health, to abstain and fast from dinner that evening until the next morning.

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